这是一部共有六集的纪录片系列,探讨了居住在菲律宾马尼拉市人口密度最大、发展最差的地区 Tondo 的人们所面临的生存困境和挑战。每一集都呈现了不同的主题,例如如何应对过度拥挤的居住条件和极端天气,或者如何在贫穷的生活条件下保持健康和积极生活。该系列片不仅仅揭示了贫民窟居民面对的生活困境,也关注了他们的梦想和努力。同时,这部影片也反映了世界上存在的巨大贫富差距和城市贫困问题。它通过观察真实的生活场景和受访者的故事,使观众认识到并深入了解这些问题,并提高了公众对于这些问题的意识和关注度。总体来说,《贫民窟 The Slums 2014》这一系列纪录片呈现了现实生活中的许多问题和挑战,以及生活在这种环境下的人们的求生之路。它通过真实的场景和个人叙事,向观众展示了这些问题的真实性和复杂性,并引发了观众对于这些问题的深入思考。
EP1: Deliverance 解脱
As a birth attendant advocating for family planning, Remy is on the frontline of Tondo's battle with overcrowding.
EP2: Risky Business 风险生意
Faced with daily hardships, making a living is the only way most Tondo residents can ensure they will survive.
EP3: Storm Rising 风暴来临
Lives are lost and homes and businesses destroyed when a tropical storm hits the Philippines.
EP4: VOTE For Me 为我投票
During election season in Manila, politicians are out fishing for votes, but the locals are not all convinced.
Staying fit and healthy is not easy in a slum, and many residents must perform a delicate balancing act to get by.
EP6: Breaking Out 逃离
A dancer, a model and a fighter dream of overcoming their harsh realities to achieve wealth and success beyond the slum.
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