该系列讲述了科学家使用突破性技术“看到”这些古老奇观的“内部”,以揭示隐藏的房间和拱顶。身临其境的CGI动画将它们一层层揭开,从金字塔到伦敦的帕台农神庙和大本钟,“出土”有助于回答问题并破解围绕古代和现代世界一些最伟大奇迹的未解之谜。CGI动画和其他最先进的技术分解了标志性建筑和纪念碑的设计,建造,使用以及在某些情况下丢失和重新发现的方式。该系列试图表明科学的未来是理解过去的关键,为解开世界上一些最大的谜团提供了解答。我们跟随致力于保护和理解这些标志性古迹的调查人员 - 建筑师,考古学家和科学家,他们毕生致力于研究和保护他们所喜爱的建筑。节目采用惊艳的“爆炸分解式”CGI动画,搭配先进X光和光达雷射扫瞄技术,解码了历史上最具指标性的建筑背后的传说和奥秘,并将新建筑、老建筑一网打尽。伟大的考古发现,迷人的古代文明,被遗忘的建筑奇迹和诱人的历史奥秘。
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第3季全7集
Unearthed S03E01_Viking City of the Dead
Unearthed S03E02_Lost Pyramid of the Americans
Unearthed S03E03_Forbidden City of the Pharaohs
Unearthed S03E04_Statue of Liberty_ New Secrets
Unearthed S03E05_Hunt for the Real Atlantis
Unearthed S03E06_Lost World of Easter Island
Unearthed S03E07_Wrath of Attila the Hun
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第4季全10集
Unearthed S04E01_Titanic_ The Last Secrets
Unearthed S04E02_Mystery of the Cursed Pyramid
Unearthed S04E03_Pompeii_s Doomsday Mummies
Unearthed S04E04_Secrets of the Forbidden City
Unearthed S04E05_Inca Apocalypse
Unearthed S04E06_Egypt_s Lost Skyscrapers
Unearthed S04E07_Curse of the Jungle Treasure
Unearthed S04E08_Ramses_ Buried Treasures
Unearthed S04E09_Lost City of the Maya
Unearthed S04E10_Ghosts of the Stone Age
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第5季全8集
Unearthed S05E01_Mysteries in the Alien Desert
Unearthed S05E02_Empire State Building_ The New
Unearthed S05E03_Nero_s Lost Palace
Unearthed S05E04_Curse of the Seventh Wonder
Unearthed S05E05_Pompeii_s Evil Twin
Unearthed S05E06_Finding Sparta_s 300
Unearthed S05E07_Dead Sea Scrolls_ The Dark Truth
Unearthed S05E08_Mystery of the Ice Mummy
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第6季全13集
Unearthed S06E01_Egypt_s Buried City
Unearthed S06E02_Vesuvius_s Secret Victim
Unearthed S06E03_Lost City of Troy
Unearthed S06E04_Mount Rushmore_ The Hidden Secrets
Unearthed S06E05_Tower of Babel_ The New Evidence
Unearthed S06E06_Hitler_s Lost Bunker
Unearthed S06E07_Leaning Tower of Pisa_ The New Mystery
Unearthed S06E08_Ghosts of the Wild West
Unearthed S06E09_Secrets of the Seven Wonders
Unearthed S06E10_Hunt for the First Pyramid
Unearthed S06E11_Alcatraz_s Hidden Secrets
Unearthed S06E12_Rome_s Great Wall
Unearthed S06E13_Lost Kingdom of Kush
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第7季全14集
Unearthed S07E01_Lost Kingdom of Babylon
Unearthed S07E02_Draining the Bermuda Triangle
Unearthed S07E03_Secrets of the Black Pyramid
Unearthed S07E04_Curse of the Hindenburg
Unearthed S07E05_Twin Towers_ The Hidden Secrets
Unearthed S07E06_Lost World of Atlantis
Unearthed S07E07_Jericho_s Buried Secrets
Unearthed S07E08_Egypt_s Sunken Treasures
Unearthed S07E09_Modern Wonders of America
Unearthed S07E10_Egypt_s Greatest Wonders
Unearthed S07E11_Wonders of Ancient Americas
Unearthed S07E12_Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome
Unearthed S07E13_Seven Wonders of the Pyramids
Unearthed S07E14_Greatest Lost Cities
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第8季全9集
Unearthed S08E01_Mystery of the Volcano Temple
Unearthed S08E02_Rome_s Gate to Hell
Unearthed S08E03_Legend of King Midas
Unearthed S08E04_Ghosts of Venice
Unearthed S08E05_Terror in the Torture Tower
Unearthed S08E06_Secrets of Seahenge
Unearthed S08E07_Secrets of the Sunken Empire
Unearthed S08E08_Egypt_s Floating Pyramid
Unearthed S08E09_Sumerian Pyramid of Death
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第9季全11集
Unearthed S09E01_Lost City of Persia
Unearthed S09E02_Valley of Egypt_s Queens
Unearthed S09E03_Curse of Relic Mountain
Unearthed S09E04_Lost City of the Maya Queens
Unearthed S09E05_Lost City of the Sumerian Gods
Unearthed S09E06_Egypt_s Island of Secrets
Unearthed S09E07_Egypt_s Cult Kings
Unearthed S09E08_King Arthur_s Lost Castle
Unearthed S09E09_Lost World of Desert Kings
Unearthed S09E10_Rome_s Lost Coliseums
Unearthed S09E11_Legend of Xanadu
《发掘系列 Unearthed》第10季全6集
Unearthed S10E01_Pompeii_s Mysterious Twin
Unearthed S10E02_Enigma of the Red Pyramid
Unearthed S10E03_Lost World of Sumerian Kings
Unearthed S10E04_Secrets of Hadrian_s Villa
Unearthed S10E05_Rise of Egypt_s Sun Kings
Unearthed S10E06_Nimrud_ Secrets Revealed
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