AIR REPO讲述了冒着生命危险作为天空赏金猎人的高空冒险者。无论是追求正义还是纯粹、纯粹的刺激寻求,肯·凯奇、丹尼·汤普森、凯文·莱西和他的新学徒、特技飞行员希瑟·斯特齐克都在地球上搜寻并从美国各地追逐数百万美元的喷气式飞机,寻求丰厚的回报。依靠智慧、技巧和纯粹的胆量,在法律和有问题的飞机上领先一步,对于这些超级回购人来说,高回报的风险很高。
《飞机回收达人 Airplane Repo》第一季全10集
Airplane Repo S01E01_We_ve Got an Emergency
Airplane Repo S01E02_Spies in the Night
Airplane Repo S01E03_Armed and Airborne
Airplane Repo S01E04_Narrow Escape
Airplane Repo S01E05_Alone in Alaska
Airplane Repo S01E06_Undercover and Out of Time
Airplane Repo S01E07_Mid-Air Collision
Airplane Repo S01E08_No Rescue Repo
Airplane Repo S01E09_Flying Blind
Airplane Repo S01E10_Repo Roulette
《飞机回收达人 Airplane Repo》第二季全8集
Airplane Repo S02E01_Armed on Arrival
Airplane Repo S02E02_Repo Rat Race
Airplane Repo S02E03_The Blonde Bomber
Airplane Repo S02E04_Panic at 10,000
Airplane Repo S02E05_Blood and Mud
Airplane Repo S02E06_Wounded Warbird
Airplane Repo S02E07_Flying Blind
Airplane Repo S02E08_Get Rich or Die Flyin_
《飞机回收达人 Airplane Repo》第三季全10集
Airplane Repo S03E01_Ken Gets Played
Airplane Repo S03E02_South of the Border
Airplane Repo S03E03_Two If By Air, One If By Sea
Airplane Repo S03E04_Mid-Air Repo
Airplane Repo S03E05_Saint Croix Swipe
Airplane Repo S03E06_No Safe Harbor
Airplane Repo S03E07_Hired Guns
Airplane Repo S03E08_Diving for Repos
Airplane Repo S03E09_Guns, Girls and Gambles
Airplane Repo S03E10_Repo 911
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